Because of the many improvements in medical scanning technology, children with cerebral palsy are quite frequently diagnosed shortly after being born.

There are cases, however, where parents may go for some time without suspecting that there is anything wrong with their child. Some cerebral palsy symptoms start very early and may be noticed by parents, provided they know what they’re looking for.

Uneven Muscle Tone

Cerebral Palsy

Uneven muscle tone is among the most classic of cerebral palsy symptoms. An example of how a parent might notice this would be holding the child and noticing that their legs were extremely tense and another part of their body might be floppy, such as their arms. This issue with muscle tone generally plagues cerebral palsy sufferers throughout their lives. Spasms, lack of muscular control and spontaneous, involuntary movements are all features of cerebral palsy in many sufferers.

Weakness, Lack of Coordination

There are milestones that pediatricians expect infants to reach at relatively the same time between one and the next. For example, rolling over, picking up the head, trying to push up with the arms and performing other feats that showed developing muscle coordination and strength generally happen a certain number of weeks or months after birth. When these milestones are delayed, the physician may start to suspect that something is preventing your child from developing normally.

Hearing Problems

It may take a while before a parent notices a hearing problem in their child. Many people with cerebral palsy have problems with their hearing and their vision, but these issues may not manifest until the child begins trying to communicate. Luckily, there are treatments available.

Different Types

The symptoms of cerebral palsy differ according to the type, and some symptoms may not be noticeable until later in the child’s life. For example, ataxic cerebral palsy is famous for its effects on walking. Of course, you won’t notice this until the child actually does try to walk.

Cerebral palsy symptoms may be very pronounced. There are cases where it will be obvious that the child has suffered a brain injury that has led to cerebral palsy soon after they are born. If your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, physicians will conduct an investigation to determine what caused it and when it happened. If it turns out that medical malpractice was the reason that your child developed cerebral palsy, speak to a cerebral palsy attorney about your legal options.

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