A children’s book called Special Shoes, by Molly Taylor, was recently published and has its origins in a child with cerebral palsy. Taylor was helping take care of an Alabama child with cerebral palsy and was inspired to write the book specifically for the child.

According to an article published on CBS42, Taylor would read books to the child to amuse her. Her favorite book was Cinderella. The child noted, however, that none of the characters in the books looked like her. Taylor wrote Special Shoes to remedy the situation.

Special Shoes is, in part, based on the real-life experiences of the child for whom it was written. Taylor had never written before, according to the article, but was inspired to do so because she felt that the story would be able to touch other people’s lives.

Cerebral Palsy and Isolation

The symptoms and signs of cerebral palsy are almost always discussed in terms of their physical manifestations, but there are a lot of psychological manifestations of the symptoms of this particular group of disorders, as well. For many people, among the most pronounced psychological issues are feelings of not being a part of the regular social world and having a hard time finding people to relate to.

Some of the organizations that reach out to cerebral palsy sufferers and their families are, in part, set up so that people can find others with whom they can relate. Children can find other people with cerebral palsy and, of course, that usually means meeting the brothers and sisters of those people, as well, who will be accustomed to interacting with and engaging in activities with people who have cerebral palsy. Parents can meet other parents who face the same challenges that they do.

Staying Active

While people with disabilities were oftentimes extremely isolated in the past, there have been market changes in both how society looks on people with disabilities and in the technology that people with disabilities have to help them be more mobile and more active and, because of that, to engage socially more often. Even though this is the case, it’s important for people with cerebral palsy to feel included, just as it is for everyone else.

People with disabilities can sometimes take advantage of treatments that help them with the symptoms of cerebral palsy that have particularly difficult effects on socializing, such as problems speaking, hearing, and with mobility. Some of these treatments, however, can be quite expensive.

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  1. I HAVE CEREBRAL PALSY and want info for a book

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