How To Find The Best Cerebral Palsy Lawyer Finding a cerebral palsy lawyer who’s willing to take on your case can be intimidating, and the process of finding a good lawyer is sometimes difficult. Many people are worried about the cost of a lawyer. With some types of cases, you’re requir
March 07,2014
$9 Million Cerebral Palsy Malpractice Settlement Reached
Family Settles Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit with Hospital for $9 Million. Lawyers for a Virginia boy who developed cerebral palsy shortly after birth reached a settlement of $9 million on January 29th, 2014. The case was brought against a military hospital in Honolulu, which allegedly caused the boy’s
December 20,2013
Settlement in MA Nets $5 Million for Birth Injury
A settlement in Massachusetts netted $5M to the family of a child who was brain damaged when born, according to recent reports. The lawsuit only took 8 days to hear in court before the defendants settled. This particular case reveals some of what goes on in many of these types of claims. Time Birth
If your child was injured before, during or shortly after being born and you believe that medical malpractice was the cause of that injury, you may want to consider filing a lawsuit. The idea of hiring an attorney is always intimidating. Most families wonder about the cost. Here is some information
May 16,2013
Substandard Care Alleged in CP Lawsuit
Parents in Tampa, Florida have sued a healthcare provider over brain damage in their child. According to reports, the woman went to the medical center named in the lawsuit after suffering ruptured membranes. The woman was treated in the hospital and, during her treatment, she was given an anticlotti
April 08,2013
Child Born in Jail Focus of Cerebral Palsy Settlement
A family in Detroit won an $8 million settlement for her child, who was born in jail under conditions that a lawsuit alleged led to the child suffering from cerebral palsy. The mother of the child is serving a life sentence for murder, conspiracy and kidnapping, but she did file a lawsuit in 2006 ov
March 11,2013
Settlement Gets $5.3 Million Over Cerebral Palsy
According to reports, a cerebral palsy lawsuit in New York was settled last summer for $5.3 million. The way that the settlement worked might give some insight into these clams for those who are considering pursuing a cerebral palsy lawsuit themselves. The Claim In this particular case, the lawsuit
June 26,2012
Lawsuit Claims Doctor Missed Cesarean Opportunity
A lawsuit filed in Chicago alleges that a child born on January 17th, 2011 should not have suffered the brain injuries he did that led to his cerebral palsy. This lawsuit alleges that monitoring equipment that gave feedback on the condition of the fetus was not given the proper attention it merited
May 10,2012
Civil Compensation for Cerebral Palsy
Civil law allows those who’ve been wronged (and suffered damages as a result) to seek compensation for reimburse them for their losses. Parents of children who were born with cerebral palsy caused by medical malpractice often seek compensation for their child through a civil lawsuit. Before s
November 09,2010
Suing for a Birth Injury
Cerebral palsy is one of the most common forms of baby injury that results from medical negligence. This injury is the often the direct result of the child being deprived of oxygen during the birthing process. While treatable, cerebral palsy is not “curable” and the symptoms of the diso