Cerebral palsy in infants is always a frightening prospect to face as a parent. When you find out that your child has this condition, there are a few things that you should be aware of concerning its effects. The following information will help you plan for the future and be ready for the chall
A birth injury lawyer may be able to help you if you believe that your child suffered a brain injury due to negligent care at birth. There are cases where a birth injury lawsuit is filed because of the prenatal care a parent was given, as well. For example, a Connecticut couple was recently awar
Some cerebral palsy facts may surprise you. By learning about the condition, you can learn more about how to help those who suffer with it. 1. It’s Not One Disorder There are several different types of cerebral palsy. Ataxic cerebral palsy and dyskinetic cerebral palsy are two of them. There a
Cerebral palsy cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be treated. Cerebral palsy results from a brain injury, so the root of the condition can never be treated. However, the symptoms are defined by a lack of control over the muscles and uneven muscle tone; these can be treated. Muscle Issues Injecti
Cerebral palsy lawsuits are filed when medical negligence is believed to be the cause of the injury that the child suffered. Negligence means that the medical staff didn’t perform as well as they could have reasonably been expected to perform, and because of that, the child suffered the injur
Cerebral palsy is actually a group of disorders that all involve a specific type of brain injury. There are different incarnations of cerebral palsy. For example, dyskinetic cerebral palsy and ataxic cerebral palsy are different types of the disorder with their own unique characteristics. It’s
Cerebral palsy comes about as the direct result of a brain injury. Baby brain damage that affects the part of the brain responsible for control over the muscles is the cause, and it means that the person affected with it will never really heal from the injury. Here are some things you might not k
Cerebral palsy cannot be cured, but the disorder can be treated. Treatments focus on lessening the severity of the symptoms which, for some sufferers, can make life much more enjoyable and productive. For people with the most severe cases of this disorder, cerebral palsy causes complete disabili
Sometimes, the cause of a baby’s injury is medical negligence. When this happens, the result is sometimes that the child is afflicted with cerebral palsy, an irreversible condition that results from the baby’s brain being deprived of oxygen. This condition means that the child doesn’t h
If you’re considering pursuing a lawsuit over cerebral palsy, it’s best to contact a Texas birth injury lawyer as soon as possible. There are limitations on how long you have, and if you let time run out, you may miss your chance. Reasons to Contact These Attorneys A cerebral palsy attorney w