Cerebral palsy is a condition that can be very complex, though some of the misconceptions about it are based in a bit of truth. Here are few that you’ll want to divest yourself of to better understand this condition. 1. “It’s Genetic” Cerebral palsy does have some effects tha
May 25,2011
Detecting Cerebral Palsy After Birth
It can be very difficult to detect cerebral palsy right after a child is born. The reasons for this are very simple. The child, of course, will not be performing activities that require high motor function or a lot of muscle coordination. Because of this, many doctors will fail to notice the conditi
May 25,2011
Getting Help with Cerebral Palsy
If your child is diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy, dyskinetic cerebral palsy, or another form Cerebral Palsy, you can rely on medical professionals to make a personalized plan that will help you and your child deal with the effects of the neurological disorder. You will need to make sure, howeve
July 05,2011
Some Early Indications of Cerebral Palsy Injuries
Cerebral palsy causes the affected individual to have diminished, or in severe cases, no control over their muscles. This injury occurs at birth and the condition lasts for the entire life of the individual. Brain injuries never heal. The symptoms of this brain injury may worsen over time, resulting
August 30,2011
Not all Cerebral Palsy Treatments are Painful or Invasive
For children who suffer with cerebral palsy, among the most intimidating things to deal with are the treatments that go along with it. They sometimes involve painful injections that are designed to improve muscle tone and medications that have unpleasant side effects. On top of all of the other chal
August 12,2011
Three Things to Look for in a Cerebral Palsy Lawyer
If you’re considering filing a cerebral palsy lawsuit over your child’s injuries, one of the most-important steps is finding the right attorney. You need to understand what’s going to be required on your part, and for that, you need an attorney who has considerable e
August 12,2011
Triad Prep Pads Sued Over Child’s Cerebral Palsy
Depending upon the exact circumstances that led to the injury, parents are sometimes able to sue successfully for cases of cerebral palsy in infants. Most of the time, these lawsuits are related to instances where some type of medical negligence was ultimately to blame for the condition. Sometimes t
July 29,2011
Why You May Consider Suing for Cerebral Palsy
When the family is already dealing with the fallout of cerebral palsy, filing a lawsuit is probably not the first thing on their mind. Even though it may seem intimidating to go ahead and take the first step and contact an attorney, there are good reasons that you may want to consider doing it as [&
July 27,2011
How Much Do Cerebral Palsy Lawsuits Pay?
Cerebral palsy lawsuits usually seek very large sums of money. For instance, a couple in Maine and their child recently received millions after their child developed cerebral palsy following a birth injury, which was found to be caused by negligence on the part of a midwife. There are cases, howev
July 26,2011
Cerebral Palsy and Growing Up: 3 Things to Consider
People who suffer from cerebral palsy oftentimes have a significantly diminished quality of life compared to people who do not suffer from the disorder. Most of the time, this diminished quality of life stems from the fact that cerebral palsy sufferers have difficulty controlling their muscles, whic