In some cases, cerebral palsy can be debilitating. Many people with the condition, however, live very full lives with nothing holding them back!. For example, the AMC series Breaking Bad features actor R.J. MItte, who has CP. Anyone who has seen the show knows full well that CP is not always debilit
October 25,2012
Brain Injured Toddler Surprises Doctors
A child in the UK who suffered a massive stroke while in the womb has surpassed the expectations of physicians, according to the Daily Mail. The child, now three, showed up at nursery walking and talking, two things that physicians never thought he would be able to do. Like many parents of a child w
January 19,2012
3 Common Features of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy includes a range of disorders that are all linked to a brain injury. This injury affects the part of the brain that allows for control of the muscles—and sometimes other areas, as well—and the resulting symptoms have some distinctive features. Some of them are common enough that p
November 20,2011
Scientists Protect Against CP-Like Brain Damage in Mice
Birth injuries that cause cerebral palsy stem from an interruption in the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain, causing damage to the tissue. Scientists have recently managed to stave off this same type of damage in mice during experiments. The information regarding the study was published in the P
September 05,2010
The Effects of Baby Brain Damage
Baby brain damage can have a myriad of effects on an infant, including the development of cerebral palsy. In some cases, the baby’s brain damage occurs because doctors or other medical professionals either failed to identify, or failed to remedy a problem that occurred during labor. Where cere
Offered by only 28 hospitals in the country, the Olympic Cool-Cap System is a new technology that is used to prevent or reduce the severity of neurological injury in newborn infants. Newborn infants who suffer from decreased blood flow and oxygen to the brain have traditionally had few treatment opt