Birth injuries are more common than you might think. In this article, we uncover the shocking statistics that reveal the harsh reality of birth injuries. Brace yourself for an eye-opening look at the numbers. The Prevalence of Birth Injuries Birth injuries affect thousands of newborns each year, lea
Cerebral Palsy in infants is not always discovered right away. Part of the reason for this is that infants are only just developing muscular control, and cerebral Palsy is primarily noted for the problems it causes with that type of control. Sometimes, the first sign that there may be a problem
Cerebral palsy results from brain damage. That being the case, this injury never actually heals, meaning that the individuals who suffer from it generally need a lifetime of care. Cerebral palsy causes a host of problems with muscle control. The most characteristic symptom of this condition is dif
The treatment of cerebral palsy can be very expensive and oftentimes has to be continued throughout the affected individual’s life. This means that the parents of children who suffer from this disorder face very high medical costs. This is why many of them decide to move forward with a&n
A Texas cerebral palsy attorney may be able to help you pursue a case for medical negligence against the doctor or hospital responsible for your baby’s injury. In many cases, cerebral palsy in infants is the direct result of medical negligence. If you believe this is the case, there is a very
Cerebral palsy, sometimes abbreviated Cerebral Palsy, is a condition that stems from brain damage. Most often, infant cerebral palsy arises from causes that could not have been avoided using modern medical technology. There are, however, some cases where medical negligence directly plays a role in
Where filing lawsuits over medical negligence is concerned, there are usually many different options for lawyers. Some lawyers specialize in certain areas of medical negligence. For instance, there are lawyers out there who specialize in baby injury claims. One of the most common forms of
In some cases, the parents of a child who is born with cerebral palsy end up calling a cerebral palsy attorney to see if there is legal action that they can take if negligence was to blame for the condition. Medical negligence is not the same thing as medical incompetence and very good doc
Many attorneys are specialists in one field or another. As an example, there are attorneys who work almost exclusively as cerebral palsy lawyers representing parents whose children have been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and who believe that medical negligence played a role in the injury. There are
A Texas cerebral palsy attorney is the legal professional you need if you want to file a claim over this particular birth injury. In some cases, this birth injury is caused by medical negligence. There are plenty of natural causes that result in Cerebral Palsy. There are, however, cases where a do