An Illinois lawsuit alleges that untreated fetal distress led to a child suffering cerebral palsy. The lawsuit alleges that the hospital and its staff did not recognize that the child was in distress and did not react properly, because of that. This, according to the lawsuit, is the reason the child
February 15,2012
I Need Help Filing A Birth Injury Claim
Bringing a birth injury claim against a doctor or a healthcare facility can be complex. Medical malpractice cases are highly scrutinized, and many states have passed tort reform laws making it very difficult to file such a claim without an attorney. Luckily, most cerebral palsy attorneys will handl
February 15,2012
How Do Delivery Errors Cause Birth Injuries?
Cerebral palsy is sometimes caused by errors during the birthing process. There are other reasons this condition occurs as well, but instances where doctors and hospitals end up getting sued over cerebral palsy are almost always medical malpractice cases.
May 10,2012
Suing for Cerebral Palsy-Related Damages
Suing for cerebral palsy-related damages is a very serious matter, so do your homework. You have to make certain that you’ve got the right lawyer to begin with, because you only get one chance to bring your claim before a court. There are also limitations on how long after the injury you’
Parents often pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit following their child’s development of cerebral palsy in order to recover compensation for things such as medical bills, future surgeries, physical and occupational therapy, assistive devices, and more. People are generally aware of the prob
April 17,2012
Why Can’t I File a Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit
Sometimes it’s clear that medical malpractice led to your child’s birth injuries, but this is not always the case. There are some instances where it’s a clear-cut case of negligence, and others where there’s no evidence that the physician was negligent in any way. In order
October 08,2021
Living a Good Life with Cerebral Palsy
While it is a serious and sometimes devastating condition, it’s still quite possible for people with cerebral palsy to live full, rich and fulfilling lives. The most important thing for such individuals is that they have access to the care they need to assist them in getting by with everyday t
March 22,2011
Finding a Lawyer for a Baby Brain Damage Case
If you’re looking for a lawyer to help you file a lawsuit over a birth injury caused by medical negligence, there are a few things you need to look for in your potential attorney. One of the most important things you need to make sure of is that the attorney actually has experience — not
March 17,2011
The Consequences of Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a disorder caused by a brain injury. Cerebral palsy in infants sometimes occurs because of negligence on the part of the doctor and sometimes occurs because of natural causes. This condition can also arise from injuries that are suffered after birth.
In some cases, cerebral palsy can be debilitating. Many people with the condition, however, live very full lives with nothing holding them back!. For example, the AMC series Breaking Bad features actor R.J. MItte, who has CP. Anyone who has seen the show knows full well that CP is not always debilit