Assistive technology has revolutionized the way individuals with cerebral palsy navigate their daily lives. From communication aids to mobility devices, technology has made it possible for individuals with Cerebral Palsy to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. In this blog post, we will explo
April 21,2023
Restoring Voices with AI: How Assistive Technologies are Empowering People with Speech Impairments

For many people, the ability to speak is something that is taken for granted. However, for those with conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or cerebral palsy, speech impairment can be a daily struggle. This can lead to social isolation, depression, and a lack of independence. Fortuna
Imagine seeing your child struggle and be dependent on you for everything. Unfortunately, it has become a common scenario for parents of children with cerebral palsy. They have to go through long-term and strenuous therapy sessions to learn how to cope with this disability. The good news is that the
When we think about the most common medical conditions in children, we focus on asthma, allergies, and ear infections. But despite our best efforts to build a world to raise independent children, many kids still struggle with mobility and self-sufficient living issues. This is particularly true for
Recent Study Suggests Early Posture Training May Yield Long-Term Benefits Cerebral palsy is a neurological condition, resulting from a one-time brain injury, that is characterized by motor impairments. Although it is not progressive (in other words, it does not get worse over time), it results in po
Barriers within one’s home often cause frustration, and can even harbor dependence in children. While home modifications may seem excessive, they can improve a child’s quality of life and help prevent potential injuries. Cerebral palsy comes with a number of challenges which can make it diff
Medical marijuana has recently become a hot-button issue in America. Many people tout the medical benefits of marijuana and CBD oil with regard to cerebral palsy and/or seizures, but is it right for my child? While there are medications, surgeries, and therapies aimed at helping individuals with cer
Non-verbal Communication in Kids with Cerebral Palsy For the average person, the ability to easily communicate with others is often taken for granted. However, for some children with cerebral palsy, verbal communication can sometimes be extremely challenging. Fortunately there are several nonverba
Benefits of Yoga for Kids with Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder which can cause limitations when it comes to movement, balance, speech, and more. Yoga is a form of exercise which emphasizes physical activity and mastery of both the body and mind. For many children with cerebr
Juries sometimes award millions of dollars to those who develop cerebral palsy at birth. This is generally because a doctor or healthcare professional acted negligently during delivery, causing the child to suffer brain damage. A family who’s child was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy shortly