When the joyous occasion of childbirth turns into a traumatic experience due to birth injuries, it’s essential to have a trusted legal advocate by your side. If you’re in Texas and facing the aftermath of a birth injury, our dedicated team of legal experts is here to guide you through this challenging journey. Our Texas Birth Injury Lawyers are committed to helping you seek justice and rightful compensation for the harm caused to your loved ones.
Texas Cerebral Palsy & Birth Injury Lawyer
Get Legal Help From a Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury Lawyer in Texas by calling 1-855-833-3707.
Cerebral palsy is a condition most often caused by brain injury to the child during pregnancy or delivery. Sometimes the cause is not one that can be pinpointed, but there are also cases that clearly involve medical malpractice. Through a medical malpractice lawsuit, the family can seek to collect compensation for the child’s injuries in order to help pay for the long-term care that will be necessary over the years.
Diagnosis of the Condition
Cerebral Palsy Lawyer in Texas
The diagnosis of cerebral palsy can be very difficult and time-consuming since there is no single test that can confirm or rule out the condition at an early age. If the child is severely impaired, it is possible that healthcare professionals can diagnose the condition during infancy but in most cases, it can take up to two years.

Do I Have a Potential Lawsuit?
Children who have very mild symptoms may not receive a diagnosis of cerebral palsy until the brain fully develops—approximately three to five years after birth (or later). The most common form of cerebral palsy is spastic diplegia which is usually diagnosed at approximately 18 months of age.
The factors doctors will test in order to make a diagnosis include:
- Posture
- Coordination
- Muscle tone
There are other factors they may also consider which can develop over months and sometimes even years. This may include consultations with medical specialists and the performance of tests such as MRIs, CT scans, and cranial ultrasounds in order to view an image of the child’s brain.
Collecting Evidence
Before a parent consults a lawyer in Texas about a malpractice claim related to cerebral palsy, it is important to have all the evidence related to the case. It’s essential to keep in mind that not all cases of cerebral palsy involve malpractice; sometimes it is simply something that occurs during the pregnancy or delivery process that can neither be explained nor avoided. Rest assured though, the Texas Cerebral Palsy and Birth Injury lawyers at Rasansky Law Firm will leave no stone unturned. We will investigate your case to determine the legal options available to you – and we do this for no up-front cost. We only get paid if we win your case.
Many cases of cerebral palsy are related to a lack of oxygen during labor or following the delivery. The question that comes to mind is whether this is caused by something that is unavoidable or is the result of a lack of good judgment on the part of the attending physician. This can occur if the physician fails to perform a C-section in a timely manner during a difficult birth. While the reluctance of the parents can certainly be a contributory factor (some mothers may insist on giving birth “naturally” instead of agreeing to a surgical procedure), it is ultimately the responsibility of the doctor to ensure the parents understand the risks and to act accordingly.
Hiring a Texas Birth Injury Lawyer
You need to be sure you find the right lawyer to handle your case. Cerebral palsy involves an injury to the brain that leads to other debilitating factors and as such, you need to be sure you choose a lawyer in Texas who is experienced in not just cerebral palsy but how to litigate these cases. You need a lawyer in Texas who will be in your corner and help you collect the compensation to which you are entitled.
During the initial consultation, your lawyer will assess the circumstances and facts of your case in order to determine whether you have a potential lawsuit. From that point, the lawyer will also look for additional information that is relevant to a successful outcome in your case. Since there is not an initial fee in cases involving malpractice, the lawyer will only take your case if he or she is reasonably certain of a successful outcome. Since the consultation is free, there is no risk in at least finding out where you stand.
Contact us today toll-free at 1-855-833-3707 for a compassionate and expert legal approach to your birth injury case.
More Information: Texas Cerebral Palsy Resources